
My Favourite Horror/Thriller Baddies

Today I thought I would stick to the horror theme and list my all time favourite baddies from horror/thriller movies, TV, anime and books.

The Doctor, Van Hellsing.

The doctor, features in the Hellsing anime and manga also known as Dok, this mad scientist is responsible in creating and training artificial vampires to help raise an army. Unfortunately these vampires are all Nazis, making Dok very much a villian. Dok is eccentric, unstable and very weirdly dressed but who doesn’t love a bit of mad scientist every now and then?

Dracula, Dracula – Bram Stoker.

Dracula is what you call the classic baddie and Bram Stokers original iteration of him is definitely the most terrifying. Dracula is one of my favourite all time villains because he is just so damn creepy, I mean who really wants to be stalked by a ugly vampire? He is also one of my favourites because there are so many iterations of him – I will never get sick of seeing this original baddie!

Tate Langdon, American Horror Story – Murder House.

Tate Langdon is the worst. a ghost, a school shooter and the way he treats Violet and her family is horrific but Evan Peters some how makes him a tiny bit likable and very charming. Making Tate a very confusing but very good character.

Negan, The Walking Dead.

As I have only read the first compendium of the walking Dead comics in this blog post I will be referring to Negan from the TV show. This guy is just someone who you can so easily love to hate. He is cocky, sadistic and very sure of himself and that is what makes him great, unfortunately the last season of The Walking Dead wasn’t amazing – but I can still appreciate the performance by Jefferey Dean Morgan.

The Demogorgon, Stranger Things.

What can I say, it’s a Demogorgon and it’s really cool and it has a disgusting head. Great baddie. 10 out of 10.

Samara Morgan, The Ring.

Samara is one of my favourite baddies of all time because The Ring had such an impact on mine and my best friends lives when we were a lot younger. She was terrified of Samara and now that I look back on her I can see why, I don’t think I would like anything crawling out of my TV especially not Samara – didn’t mean I couldn’t poke fun at her though!

Freaky Fred, Courage the Cowardly Dog. 

If you grew up watching Courage the Cowardly dog much like I did so many villains from that show were memorable but for me Freaky Fred and his little rhyme was definitely an episode that really stuck with me. His big creepy smile, the way he talks about hair, the fact he shaves Courage, the music in the background – its all very creepy – making it one of my favourite episodes.

Dandy Mott, American Horror Story – Freak Show.

Dandy Mott is a spoilt brat, he is pompous and he throws plenty of tantrums. Dandy Mott is completley insane but damn that makes him one of the most intriguing characters to watch. Finn Wittrock really nails this character and I think he is the best character of the Freak Show series. A true psycho.

Hannibal Lector, Hannibal.

In all honesty I have never seen Silence Of The Lambs (although it is in my to watch list) nor have I read the book, but the character of Hannibal is brilliantly portrayed by Mads Mikkelsen in the TV series. The character grips you and draws you in with his intelligence and soft spoken creepiness and the way he prepares food makes it almost good enough to eat (if only it wasn’t humans). Hannibal is an intriguing character that I loved watching.

Patrick Bateman, American Psycho – Bret Easton Ellis

Purely based on the book Patrick Bateman is one of the worst villains on this list – a serial killer business man. Patrick is exactly what the book says he is – a psycho. The book being in first person makes it extremely uncomfortable to read but something I would definitely recommend. Patrick is evil and for that it makes him one of my favourite thriller baddies.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Let me know some of your favourites in the comments below!

5 thoughts on “My Favourite Horror/Thriller Baddies

  1. Evan Peters is amazing. It’s like he is able to make any evil character charming & lovable. I couldn’t watch Courage the Cowardly Dog when I was younger because it scared me too damn much lol. I had no idea American Psycho the book was written in first person– I’m so reading it now!!! Thanks for including that little bit since I don’t read anything not written in first anymore lol.

    My fave baddie has to be Aileen Wuornos!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sameee, he’s amazing. I love Sarah Paulson, too. Their chemistry on screen is explosive!!

        & ahh!! I put myself on hold for American Psycho. 😀 I can’t wait to read it.

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